Accueil> Rencontres> Conférences> 2017/ Manger en ville : les styles alimentaires urbains en Afrique, Amérique (...) > Convergence and divergence in food consumption ? Culture, Class and Place (...)

Anindita Dasgupta 

Convergence and divergence in food consumption ? Culture, Class and Place in Malaysian Urbanscape.

Anindita Dasgupta is Associate Professor, and Head of School, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, at Taylor’s University, Malaysia. She is the Book Review Editor for Millennial Asia : An International Journal of Asian Studies. Anindita has been recipient of a number of international research grants including SEPHIS postdoctoral grant of the International Institute of Social History, the Netherlands, South Asia Fellowship of SSRC, New York, ASIA Fellowship of the Asian Scholarship Foundation, the Kodikara Fellowship of the Regional Centre of Strategic Studies, Sri Lanka, the Fundamental Research Grant of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia among others. Multidisciplinary in her approach, Anindita has carried out intensive fi eldwork based studies in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Malaysia in the last fi fteen years. An expert on identity, diversity and culture, she has extensive experience in consulting for regional universities. Anindita is the author of two books, one monograph and more than thirty publications.

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