2014/ Towards new ways_Full program

Opening speech
Anne-Lucie Wack, Director-General, Montpellier SupAgro - Jean-Louis Rastoin, Director of the UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems, Montpellier SupAgro

Inaugural conference
Jean-Pierre Poulain, Chair of Food Studies, Taylor’s University - Toulouse/Kuala Lumpur, “How to change our eating habits? The view of a food socio-anthropologist”

Session 1 – What innovations and alternatives exist?
Lydia Zepeda, Professor of consumer science, University of Wisconsin, USA, “Mobile produce markets to fight against food deserts”

Benjamin Devaux, facilitator, Terre nourricière, and Noémie Recouvreur, "Montpellier: foods to share in the city"

David Erhart, Head of relations with partners in the south, campaigns and advocacy, Artisans du Monde, "Fair Trade: citizen engagement beyond consumption"

Brian Horihan, La Louve cooperative, “Food cooperatives”

Roundtable – What will consumers accept?
Francis Akindès, sociologist, Université Alassane Ouattara, Bouaké, Côte-d’Ivoire; coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

Thomas Bauler, environmental economist, Center for Studies on Sustainable Development, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Charles Pernin, project manager at the Consumption, Housing and Living Environment Association - CLCV

Session 2 - What incentives to change consumer behaviour?
Laurent Lebot and Victor Massip, industrial designers, Faltazi, "The Ekovores: a circular system, resilient, local, to feed the city"

Roberto Cittadini, Laboratory without walls of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Argentina/UMR Innovation, "ProHuerta: a national program to promote gardening to fight against poverty and malnutrition"

Marine Friant-Perrot, lawyer, Université de Nantes, ”Food marketing and its legal framework”

Geneviève Parent, Faculté de droit, Université Laval, Québec