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2021/ Priorities for inclusive urban food transformations in the global South

Side event of the Science Days for the UNFSS 2021

Priorities for inclusive urban food transformations in the global South
Tuesday July 6, 18:00-19:30 UTC
07:00-8:30 Los Angeles, 09:00-10:30 Quito, 14:00-15:30 Ouagadougou, 16:00-17:30 Paris, 21:00-22 :30 Hanoi

For further informations

Registration is free of charge but compulsory
(Registration will be open on Wednesday, June 30)

The event, in collaboration with the RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems, Michigan State University and the Unesco Chair on World Food Systems will bring together academics and operators working on urban food systems in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Urban development is at the origin of many changes including modified dietary patterns, women’s involvement in economic life, changes in employment, etc. Urban food systems are those linked to cities by material and human flows. The scientific brief written for the UNFSS: Priorities for inclusive transformations of urban food systems in the global South, proposes a classification of urban food systems in six types. During the event, the multiple nutritional, economic, social and environmental challenges of food systems in Africa, Asia and Latin America brought about by urbanisation will be discussed. The participants will analyse how existing food systems respond differently to these challenges. For example, they will discuss how micro and SMEs, supermarkets, e-commerce and farmer organizations address these challenges beyond simplification or opposition. Finally, the participants will discuss recommendations for public and private decision-makers and donors, targeting different types of stakeholders, to improve the responsiveness of urban food systems. The session will bring together academics and practitioners working on urban food systems in Asia, Africa and Latin America.


16:00-16:05 Introduction: Dao The Anh, vice-president of Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Science, co-author of the research brief, facilitator of the event

16:05-16:15 Accounting for the diversity of urban food systems: Patrick Caron, Cirad, University of Montpellier, former president of HLPE-CFS, co-author of the research brief

16:15-16:35 The role of MSMEs in inclusive urban food system transformations: Paule Moustier, Cirad, Head of MoISA, first author of the research brief

16:35-16:50 Synergies between SMEs, supermarkets and e-commerce in low and middle countries: Professor Thomas Reardon, Michigan State University

16:50-17:00 Inclusive innovations to meet urban food consumer demand in Burkina Faso: Charlotte Yaméogo, Institut de recherche en sciences appliquées et technologies, Ouagadougou

17:00-17:10 Collaboration between Quito municipality and farmer groups for an inclusive food system: Alexandra Rodriguez, responsible for the Participatory Urban Agriculture Project, Quito municipality

17:10- 17:25 Open discussion

17:25-17:30 Concluding remarks: Dao The Anh

Registration is free of charge but compulsory
(Registration will be open on Wednesday, June 30)

For further informations

Contacts :

 Paule Moustier, Montpellier, France
 Dao The Anh, Hanoi, Vietnam