Home > Our activities > Other events > 2017/Eating in the city: urban food styles in Africa, Latin America and (...) > Urban food styles_Full program
Nicolas Bricas, Cirad, UMR Moisa, UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems, Eating in the city: a research agenda
"The Main Dish": When the city invents its own cuisine
Abdou Ka, (UMI 3189 Environnement, Santé, Sociétés, CNRS/Université Cheikh Anta Diop/Université Gaston Berger/Université de Bamako/CNRST) et Julie Leport (Université Toulouse II Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR 5044, CNRS): From Dakar to Ferlo: Ceebujën as an indicator of the duality of Senegalese food between the local and the global
Gisèle Sedia (Chaire Unesco de Bioéthique à l’Université Alassane Ouattara de Bouaké): Attiéké-Garba, « good » to think and good to eat
Raphaëlle Héron (UMR D&S, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/IRD): Bâbenda, a "modernized traditional dish" - The trajectory of a Burkinabe culinary specialty to the city.
Urban foodscape
Laura Arciniegas, (Université Toulouse II Jean Jaurès, CERTOP UMR 5044, CNRS): Social mediations of street food in Jakarta. Study of culinary dynamics between the domestic world and the world of trade in urban informality.
Anindita Dasgupta (School of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Taylor’s University, Malaysia): Convergence and divergence in food consumption? Culture, Class and Place in Malaysian urbanscape.
Fongming Yang (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica): "The rush towards the cast iron cooker" in Taipei - Culinary exoticism at the origin of food changes.
Meals of the urban generation
Jingjing Ma (Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité): Consumption of sweet foods and non-alcoholic beverages in daily life in China.
Mohamed Mebtoul (Université d’Oran 2): Tensions and mobility around children’s eating habits in Oran’s city (Algeria)
Estelle Kouokam Magne (Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale): "Food from the pot" - Food and child socialization in two Cameroonian cities
The healthy, the authentic: fusion or confusion?
Liliana Martinez Lomeli (Centre Edgar Morin, EHESS) Eating out in Mexico City and Guadalajara: The tension between health and heritage
Yanga Zembe (Institute for Social Development, University of the Western Cape): Food choices at the intersections of race, class and gender struggles in post-apartheid South Africa
Miriam Bertran-Vila , Metropolitan University in Xochimilco
Yolande Berton-Ofouémé , Université Marien Ngouabi de Brazzaville
Session posters
Antoinette Marcelle Ewolo Ngah, Université de Yaoundé I: Dynamics of eating behaviour - desacralization and standardization of food prohibitions?
Ami Ezin, Université Ouagadougou 1 Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo and Elisa Lomet, Consultant on socio-anthropology and food, Promoting "local products": what representations are held by diners in Lome (Togo)?
Fatou NDoye, Enda Graf Sahel, Food practices in Dakar: a return to local products
Paul Ulrich Otye Elom, Université de Maroua, food cacophony and chronic diseases in Cameroon’s urban context: an ethno-anthropological study of nutritional anxiety in the city of Yaounde
Charlotte Yaméogo-Konbobo, Institut de recherche en sciences appliquées et technologies of CNRST Burkina Faso: Urban eaters, eaters with multiple gastronomic repertoires - The example of the consumption of traditional curdled milk in the city of Ouagadougou
Ayari Pasquier Merino, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico: Food practices of poor households in Mexico City - An analysis of urban food insecurity situations