Given that up to 37% of human GHG emissions are linked directly to the global food system (IPCC 2019) and that more than 820 million people are food insecure and over 2 billion are overweight or obese (FAO 2018), it is increasingly recognized that sustainable food systems can help tackle climate change through GHG reduction and improve health by addressing diet-related disease. It is also increasingly recognized that better connections between urban and rural food spaces can amplify these benefits through increased localized coherence (Valette 2019, Blay-Palmer et al. 2018). While on the material side, territorial and regional food systems can close loops to enhance efficient materials use they go beyond the promotion of local food strategies. The multi-stakeholder engagement includes a large and diverse number of actors along the food system as territorial food systems extend from the urban and peri-urban areas to facilitate urban-rural connections and new types of links between farmers and consumers. This fosters more direct links that gets healthy food to consumers and at the same time provides more money to local producers and processors. These food systems can also be more inclusive and encourage citizen engagement.
Drawing on their food system expertise, panelists we will discuss the conceptual and policy foundations needed to bring about this transformation. They will also provide examples from their research and practice to illustrate how these changes can happen on the ground.
– Florence Egal, Food security and nutrition expert,
– Holly Freishtat, Food director policy for Baltimore city (USA)
– Henk Renting, Aeres University of Applied Science,
– Guido Santini, Programme director, FAO "Food for the Cities" Initiative
– Remy Sietchiping, Senior Human Settlements Officer, UN Habitat
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